互联网(英语:internet),又称网际网路或音译因特网、英特网,是网络与网络之间所串连成的庞大网络,这些网络以一组通用的协定相连,形成逻辑上的单一巨大国际网络。这种将计算机网络互相联接在一起的方法可称作“网络互联”,在这基础上发展出覆盖全世界的全球性互联网络称“互联网”,即是“互相连接一起的网络”。互联网并不等同万维网(World Wide Web),万维网只是一建基于超文本相互链接而成的全球性系统,且是互联网所能提供的服务其中之一。单独提起互联网,一般都是互联网或接入其中的某网络,有时将其简称为网或网络(the Net)可以通讯,社交,网上贸易。
The Internet is an international computer network. It connects computer networks all over the world.People can get different kinds of information from it.There are millions of websites on the Internet.There is a lot of useful information on the websites.You can use search engines to find the information you need.Search engines help us find information quickly and easily.Type in a keyword or keywords and the search engine will give you a list of suitable websites to look at.